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Making Your Work At Home Easier With Hafele’s Washer Dryer Combo

21 November 2020


It is a time when the washing loads pile up in our homes, in a frantic effort to keep things hygienic and safe from the pandemic. These are turbulent days, but not if you have a good laundry care regime that solves all of your washing troubles. Hafele works to do this for you with its antiallergenic washer-dryer machines that not only keeps your clothes germ free but also give your textiles, the gentle care they need! 

From presoaking to rinsing and fast drying - our Coral Plus 086WD Washer Dryer Combo ensures that everything goes smoothly in the laundry room. Read ahead for some of its best features that are bound to do away with all your everyday washing hassles.

1. Wash programs take care of all your textile materials.

No more hiding those cashmere sweaters from your washing machine! Whether it is your everyday synthetic and pure cotton, or your delicate silk, satin, and woolen materials - Coral Plus ensures there are special wash programs that take care of all your clothes. In fact, it also has an anti-crease function that visibly reduces the crinkles on your clothes, making the ironing process an easy task for you.

2. A highly efficient motor that saves energy.

Coral Plus runs on a powerful BLDC (Brushless DC electric) motor that generates less heat when compared to an induction motor. This not only means that it uses less electricity but also washes your clothes at a lower noise level! With this motor, Hafele makes sure you get a wonder machine that is highly efficient as well as saves energy while washing your clothes. 

3. Easily handles higher loads in less time.

Coral Plus can easily handle the washing of large households with an impressive load of 6 kg per wash. Moreover, the machine's dryer also runs at incredibly fast speeds. It has a condenser dryer which dries out clothes in 40% less time than a standard vented one. Due to this, both washing and drying of a 6 Kg cotton load takes less than 5 hours in this machine. 

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4. Gives you 100% dry, ready to wear clothes.

The condenser dryer technology inside this machine dries out the moisture completely inside the materials to give you warm, dry, and ready to wear clothes right in your hand. Merely slip them on, and you're ready to run! 

For drying, there are 4 intensities which you can choose from - Extra dry, Normal dry, Iron dry, and Gentle dry. You can choose a normal dry for synthetic and polyester blends. On the other hand, Iron drying provides gentler heat to dry out your silk fabrics and wool sweaters.

5. Special features make the machine easy to use.

The Washer-Dryer comes with many more features that save time, add to your comfort and make it easy to use. Here are a few:

  • A panel lock comes in handy when the machine is on standby mode so that it doesn't get started accidentally.
  • My cycle program enables you to save your regular washing program. Just press a button and you can get the washing started with all the regular settings set for you!
  • Forgot to add more clothes to the machine? A reload function allows you to press start/pause for a few seconds and you can add to the laundry.

Now that you know everything about the Coral Plus, it’s time bring an upgrade to your laundry room with this washer dryer combo. With such an all-in-one machine, Hafele takes off the washing load from your hands and reduces your workload. 


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