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Why Do You Need a Premium Washing Machine for Gentle Care of Clothes

20 November 2021


The introduction of washing machines into the modern-day lifestyle of people helped eliminate the tiresome activity of washing clothes by hand. Traditional washing machines, however, require consistent checks and a dedicated amount of time to operate and manage while cleaning the clothes. Thanks to the new age of advanced smart machines that have incredibly transformed the entire washing experience.

Owning a good washing machine not only provides ample features and comfort but also ensures thorough and delicate washing. Hafele's washer dryer combo is a high-tech machine that will do wonders for you. Bringing together easy load options and smart programs for better laundering of clothes, here are four reasons why you should consider a premium washing machine such as Hafele's for gentle care of clothes.

1. Guaranteed Allergy Safe Wash

Apart from dust, the clothes are prone to tiny fragments and particles such as pollen, spores, molds, pet's hair, microbacterial germs, and more! While these elements degrade the quality of clothes, they may even be allergic and unhealthy for many people.

Allergy Safe Wash

A regular wash is insufficient to rinse out such infectious and harmful particles. However, Hafele's premium washing machines make achieving a clean and disinfected wash easier than ever. The special allergy-safe wash programs give a hygienic and fresh look to the fabric after each wash.

2. Special Wool Program

The winter season has already knocked on its arrival. It's time to dig out woollen clothes, sweaters, and jackets from the cabinets. Winter garments are pricier than other clothes, so extra precautions need to be taken to protect them.

Hafele's washer-dryer combo is equipped with an advanced special wool program that smoothly and excellently washes the precious woolens. Moreover, it is known for giving a gentle mechanical movement to the clothes while cleaning. It even restricts the water temperature up to 40 degrees Celsius, suitable for washing winter clothes and thus helps maintain their quality.

3. Freedom from Stain

It's quite painful when the beauty of your favorite cloth gets hampered because of some stain. While it needs considerable effort to clean such stains, it may even result in harsh effects on the fabric.

Stains Ranging

Hafele's premium washing machines are designed to handle such worries! The stain level selection feature helps in removing stains ranging from heavy to light. The machine smartly adjusts the temperature according to the selected stain level and the type of fabric. The longer wash cycle and high washing temperature also help get rid of harsh stains and provide a cleaner outcome.

4. Smart Wash Feature

Different kinds of clothes need varying treatments while washing them. It includes a specific wash cycle, temperature, wash intensity, drying option, and much more!

Smart Wash Feature

Hafele's premium washer and dryer combo machines have Smart Wash programs that help obtain the best wash results for any type of clothing, including cotton, synthetic, woolen, and delicate clothes. The machine adjusts its settings suitable for the fabric that you allow for a wash. This feature eliminates any chance of harsh effects on the garments and provides smooth and gentle care for your clothes!

Leaving clothes to dry in the open will expose them to infection from their surroundings. So, opting for a machine that provides both the washing and drying facility can be a favorable choice. Hafele's machines are designed to not only focus on proper cleaning of clothes but also ensure perfect drying. Our washer dryer combo machines, such as MARINA 8614 WD and MARINA 7512 WD, are ideal for a comprehensive cleaning of clothes and maintaining their pristine quality!


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